Carson Rolleri
Anna Corona joined the YNPNdc Board of Directors as Vice Chair in June 2018. Outside of her volunteerism in making sure YNPNdc runs smoothly, she is a program analyst at the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Born and raised in Woodbridge, VA, she’s happy to call the DMV-area home. We asked Anna a few questions about her life and what inspired her to join YNPNdc. Check out her answers below, and be sure to say hello at our next event!
What’s your favorite thing about your job?
The opportunities I have to interact with my organization’s members all over the country. Day-in and day-out I get to witness and work with so many amazing people doing incredible work in order to improve the everyday lives of our fellow citizens.
What causes do you care about most?
Social justice.
What do you love about volunteering with YNPNdc?
I’m proud to be a part of YNPNdc’s efforts to create a community for young non-profit professionals who are looking to become more meaningfully connected to where they live, work, and play. I’m also finding myself meeting new and interesting people all the time, and learning from them along the way.
How have you grown at YNPNdc?
YNPNdc allows space for me to experiment with my leadership style in ways that I’m not comfortable doing in the workplace. It’s helped build confidence in myself as a leader that I see translating back to my day-to-day work.
What’s the most important life lesson you’ve learned?
Don’t assume! I keep learning this one over, and over, though….
If you could describe YNPNdc in one word, what would it be?