We Stand With Our Black Peers: Resources for Dismantling Systemic Racism Within the Nonprofit Sector

YNPNdc is committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive nonprofit workforce and we firmly stand with our Black and Brown peers across race, class, and power in demanding change to the systematic and structural racism that continues to negatively impact and take the lives of Black and Brown men, women, and children.

Washington, DC is a vibrant community with a large nonprofit sector and we all have a role to play in creating a better future. Young nonprofit professionals are especially positioned to reflect, listen to, and support the needs of our communities at both a local and national level.

Below is a list of resources to start or continue learning about how racism is manifested in the nonprofit sector and how you can take action at both the individual level and the organizational level, within your own nonprofits or those you support.

Resources for Individual Action

If you’re looking to take immediate action, consider donating to local Black- and People of Color-Led nonprofit organizations. Thank you to our members for all you continue to do in service of others. Be kind and take care of each other.