A Follow-Up Note to Our Community

On May 17, we made a statement denouncing the oppression of the Palestinian people. We received feedback that created an opportunity for the Board of Directors to pause and have a conversation about our values as an organization.  We learned it is important to be mindful of the language we use when amplifying issues of social justice and have updated our recent statement accordingly.

The YNPNdc Board of Directors remains staunchly committed to denouncing violence, oppression, and injustice everywhere. In the same breath, we strongly denounce the rise of antisemitic hate incidents here in the United States, which have been linked to the escalating conflict in the Middle East. We are in solidarity with the Jewish community and our members who are Jewish. It’s on all of us to take action — see how you can contribute below:

We also encourage members to check out the work of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), a Jewish-led advocacy organization with resources for those looking to have productive conversations about the history of Palestine and Israel. JVP resources include:

We are grateful to those who provided feedback and pushed us to grow as an organization. We will be intentional in continuing to collect this type of feedback. 

As part of our strategic plan, YNPNdc is cultivating an organization that is diverse, inclusive, and reflective of the Greater DC young nonprofit professional community. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is seeking your input in the coming weeks to inform the creation of a DEI action plan for YNPNdc.

Contact the Board of Directors at info@ynpndc.org.